导读 小米MIXFold3作为一款折叠屏手机,不仅拥有超大的屏幕,还支持双卡双待功能。很多朋友可能会有疑问,这款手机能否使用两张相同运营商的电话
小米MIXFold3作为一款折叠屏手机,不仅拥有超大的屏幕,还支持双卡双待功能。很多朋友可能会有疑问,这款手机能否使用两张相同运营商的电话卡呢?答案是肯定的! Xiaomi MIX Fold3 supports dual SIM cards, which means you can use two phone cards from the same carrier. This feature is particularly useful if you want to separate personal and work communications or manage different plans under the same network provider. Whether it's for data usage or voice calls, you have the flexibility to choose how you want to utilize your SIM slots. So, whether you're a heavy user or just looking for convenience, Xiaomi MIX Fold3 has got you covered! 📞📲